New Zealand Chinese TV CHANNEL
New Zealand’s Newest Chinese media
Channel 33 is a television channel owned by New Zealand Culture and Media Group. It officially launched its service on November 16th, 2020, broadcasting 24/7 through Freeview digital terrestrial television transmission service, covering most the cities of New Zealand. In addition, Channel 33 started its 24 hours online radio streaming service from June 2023.
Channel 33 是隶属于新西兰文化传媒集团旗下的电视频道,于2020年11月16日正式开播。通过Freeview数字地面传输,24小时不间断播出电视节目,覆盖新西兰大部分城市。此外,Channel 33 从2023年6月开通24小时线上网络电台。